Water Safety

The rivers and lakes in our area are some of the most beautiful in the world. They are also some of the most deadliest. Every year multiple people drown in our rivers and lakes. Snohomish County Code Title 10 Chapter 32 makes it a misdemeanor to ride in a boat on the Skykomish River east of Gold Bar without a life jacket and helmet on.
Know the Water
At any time of year, Washington waters can be appealing and dangerous at the same time:
- Spring – Rivers are often high and swift from rains and snow melt and can easily overwhelm the strongest swimmer. Even on hot spring days, lakes, ponds, and rivers are still cold and are dangerous for swimmers. Hypothermia can occur quickly in very cold water.
- Summer – Water that is warm on the surface, may be much colder below. Use caution when swimming and always supervise young children playing in or near the water. Rivers may not be moving as fast, but log jams can trap swimmers and large rocks and logs could tip over rafts, canoes, and kayaks. Illnesses can be prevented by not swallowing the water – learn more about recreational water illnesses.
- Autumn – Early warm days of autumn can be like summer. But like spring, this time of year is unpredictable - be prepared for sudden weather changes and cold water later in the season.
- Winter – Waters are always cold and can quickly go from being very calm to very rough, especially during storms. If you are on the water for hunting, fishing, or recreation, wear protective gear and life jackets. Tell someone where you are going and when you plan to return, and be prepared for sudden weather changes.
- Water Recreation Safety in Washington (Washington State Department of Health) – Information on beach advisories, lake, river, and beach water safety, pool safety, recreational water illness and regulated water recreation facilities.
- Rip Current Safety (National Weather Service) – Guidelines to help you avoid getting caught in a rip current.
- Open Water Guidelines – Drowning in open water, such as lakes, rivers and the ocean, is a major concern around the world. An 18-member international task force from 12 countries developed these guidelines for people visiting open water sites.
Know Your Limits
- Swimming in open water (lakes, rivers, ponds, Puget Sound, and the ocean) is harder than in a pool. People tire faster and get into trouble more quickly. A person can go under water in a murky lake, making them very hard to find, or be swept away in currents. Avoid swimming where two rivers come together – many good swimmers have gotten into trouble or drowned in currents that didn't seem to be moving that fast.
- Swim in a life-guarded area, especially if you are not a strong swimmer.
- Be cautious of sudden drop-offs in lakes and rivers. People who can't swim or aren't strong swimmers have slipped into deeper water and drowned.
- When boating, don't overload the boat and wear a life jacket that fits. Many people have drowned when they fell overboard while fishing, hunting, or pulling up a crab pot.
- Stay sober when on or in the water. Alcohol and other drugs increase the effects of weather, temperature, and wave action.
- Water Safety Tips for Families - Basic guidelines every family can follow to enjoy the water safely.
- Water Safety for Children Birth to 5 Years - Discusses drowning prevention at home, in the yard, and in and near the water.
- Water Safety for Teens 12 to 18 Years Old - Discusses alcohol and drugs, swimming and diving, babysitting, and boating.
- Water Safety for Children With Seizures - Drowning prevention tips for children with seizures and epilepsy at home and around the water.
- Water Safety for Families With Children with Special Needs (video) (Safe Kids) - Discusses adaptive life jackets, staying within an arm’s reach of your child near any water, explaining water safety to your child and other topics.
- Swim Classes and Water Safety (American Red Cross) – Find swim classes in your area.
Wear a life jacket
- Even the best water enthusiasts can misjudge changing water conditions when boating or swimming in open water. Be prepared at all times by wearing a life jacket – you'll never know when you'll be tossed into the water.
- Have children wear a life jacket that fits them, and watch them closely around water – they can go under water quickly and quietly.
- A number of water safety laws were passed to improve the use of life jackets and prevent drowning:
- Children 12 years old and under must wear a life jacket that fits them on moving boats less than 19 feet in length in Washington.
- Recreational boats must carry one U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jacket for each person aboard. The life jacket must be available and accessible. This is a nationwide Coast Guard rule.
- Life Jackets for Children and Teens - Learn when you and your child should wear life jackets, why they are important and how to buy life jackets that fit correctly.
- Life jacket fittings and giveaway events - In partnership with Panda Cares and thanks to Panda Express fundraising efforts, Seattle Children’s provides free life jackets for children between the ages of 1 and 18. We teach parents and kids how to properly fit every life jacket we give away.
- Life jacket coupon in partnership with Big 5 - Take this coupon to a Big 5 Sporting Goods store in Washington for one-time purchase on in-stock life jackets.
- Life Jackets Tips and Laws (Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office) – Tips on choosing the right life jacket and what the law says about wearing life jackets.
- Washington State Life Jacket Loaner Station Locations - Information on where you can borrow life jackets for free in Washington state. A partnership between Seattle Children’s, Washington State Parks and Recreation Boating Program, the Department of Health and Safe Kids
- En español: Prevención de ahogamiento
Loaner life jackets are available at Fire Station 54, 42013 Stevens Pass Hwy in Gold Bar and Fire Station 55 512 Avenue A in the Town of Index.
Be Prepared
- Check river or stream conditions by contacting the United States Geological Survey at 253-428-3600 ext. 2635.
- Take life jackets, a rescue device, a cell phone, and someone who knows CPR when you are out on the water.
- Check beach advisories before you go swimming.
- Boaters must obtain their Boater Education Card from State Parks.
- Parents must tell their children about the dangers of open water at rivers, lakes, and beaches. Know where your child is, who they are with, and when they are expected home.
- Parents are powerful role models – if you wear a life jacket, it's more likely your children will too.